Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Drug

Sitting down to write this was not a decision that I made. The decision was made for me. It's sad I think, that in order to be able to sit down and write something that is significant, I must be feeling like I am right now. This intense emotional agitation that takes away sleep, and puts…let's just say "ideas" in my head, could also drive me to write something which I believe would inspire. I would like to share what I've learned and hope it will reach someone. I'm not saying I have a clue what to do, but I am hoping that by organizing my thoughts I would have at least some idea on how to react.

Addiction, I never believed in it. I think I underestimated its abilities. Fighting or avoiding addiction is not as easy as you might think. It is a very cunning foe. I used to think addiction was limited to drugs, and you probably guessed by now that I believe other wise. Drugs by definition are anything that changes or enhances the way you feel. Drugs can be helpful. Alcohol for example, from what I've read, can wash the pain away for a certain period of time. After that, the pain is back, so is the alcohol, and so an addiction begins to take shape. I believe that almost all drugs are harmless, unless used wrong. Then again, it all comes down to what your definition of a drug is.

People wonder about love. I have thought about it a lot. People often ask, "What is love to you?" with "Facebook" as a reference, here's what you guys think love is:

· love is the most beautiful thing in the world
· love is great
· Don't believe in it
· Love is just a beautiful thing, but it hurts too…
· If love dies I die
· A pain in the ass!
· When you feel cold and your heart beats 10000 times per minute

Sounds just about right don't it? Some have faith in what they believe is love. Others do not believe in love to start with.
I've been asked that question a few times before, and my answer was basically similar to everyone else's answer, but that was before I found out what I truly believe love is. Brace yourselves…

Love is a drug. First of all, it is addictive. I don’t believe anything is more addictive than love.
Though you have to realize it's different than most other drugs in the sense that once you take the first taste, you're stuck forever. There's no rehab for love. The lucky ones are the ones who hold out on it until they reach "The age". Let's face it, no matter how much you believe that you can find love at teenage and that it would last forever, it's just not going to happen. It only does in a few cases, and it kills you when you find out you are not one of them. But by the time you find that out, you’re already addicted to it, and you won't stop until you find it. You go from one relationship to the next, every time with hopes that this one is it, only to be disappointed time and time again.

I guess I'm writing this because I'm tired of looking around me, and seeing all these amazing people brought down by love. I can tell you that you don't need to do this, because I know how it feels, and I know it's not exactly something that you can bounce out of. The bad news is, people are going to hurt you, and you are going to hurt people no matter how hard you try not to.
So my advice would be this, since you are going to go through with love anyway, it's not like you have a choice, do not take a relationship, from a dating situation to a real relationship, unless it is absolutely perfect. I think everything that feels interesting should be given a chance. Even though most of it won't work out, you can always end it as soon as u feel its not right, and you will improve your knowledge of "the drug".

But hey…I guess that goes back down to your definition of perfect.

Take care of yourselves, just like I'm going to take care of mine.

1 comment:

Mazen Khaled said...

What if there's a better way to look at this whole issue. What if we change the way we understand the whole love story?

What if the problem with love is not in love itself but in the -wrong- perception that love is unidirectional, that it's like a beam of emotion that you shoot someone with, and expect them to shoot you back with the same beam with the same intensity, and when they don't we hate life and we get addicted and we want more so we turn the beam to someone else and when that doesn't work again we keep looking for a better prospect here and there or turn to other things we "love" which can't loveus back until we find ourselves really deep in the hole of unidirectional love.

For me personally, I believe love is just there, you discover you have it, and it applies to you as a person as in "I have love" and not as in "I am in love with so and so." Love is a state of mind which exists at the deepest level of our mind. It is an attitude towards life: towards people, animals, earth, our work, our hobbies. We are love.

This is not to negate relationships, because if we take up the attitude of deep love, our relationships become better and change from addictions and needs to a higher feeling and a real sharing of life.

Interesting topic you brought up there Nephew H.

Your uncle M. :)